Mystical Magdalene Pilgrimage to Cathar Land

September 20-26th 2020




Dear One, beloved Sisters & Brothers,

She is Calling those who have the Hearts to hear. Those who are open to receive Her Rose Blessings of Infinite Love & Wisdom.

The Calling of The Magdalene, the Calling for Love, is coming more and more to the forefront. She is being heard by a growing amount of Souls; women ánd men!


For it is Time.


It is time to come together in Sacred Co-Creation to Weave the Light of the New Pristine Krystalline (ChristALL) Dawn into our bodily cells, our energy field, our environment and into the ChristAll-ine Grids everywhere.

It is Time to awaken. To Rise. To Stand and Expand. To gather. Together.


Into the Light She has come.

Because it is NOW we awaken en masse and Be activated.

(re)Aligned to our Essence.

Our Divine Blueprint.

Our Unique Soul’s Path.

Are you the one who feels the Calling to BE on this Sacred Pilgrimage with us? Then continue to read. 

(If this does not sound appealing at all, please continue to follow yoúr Heart’s Calling in yoúr unique Way. For that’s the only thing that matters; BEing True to YOU and to your Soul’s Pathway).


Our Path, a Journey of Journeys. All leading hOMe. All unique in their own Way.


She is now Calling for this Journey of like hearted Souls: those connected to the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Brotherhood of Light.

She is beckoning those whose Hearts beat faster when they tune in to Her frequencies, Her invitation, Her message of Truth & Love & Sovereignty (on all levels).

This is for those who feel you are attuned to Her Message, which may very well be your very own (wink).

To you who feel ‘something in you is stirring’ and is ‘eager to come to the surface’, to awaken, to rise, to be experienced, expressed and enjoyed.

It might be something you cannot explain. With the mind that is.

Since it’s ‘just’ a feeling. 

But it’s (t)Here alright. 

And it’s Strong enough not to be able to resist anymore.

To you She calls. 


It is You with whom we wish to travel in these Sacred Lands: the Modern Day Mystics.

We welcome in you who are filled with a vast amount of Soul hunger, a (maybe inexplicable) quantity of Curiosity and a Rush of Rose Blood running through your veins as soon as you hear Her name, read Her messages or tune in to Her frequencies and energies. 

For She needs to be heard and honored.




In general it’s the Goddess that’s need to retrieve Her Rightful place:

In this case, it’s the Magdalene who is Calling from the Heart of Cathar land. Southern France. Occitania.

The place She deserves is Her Queendom in the Heart
Her Heavenly Throne on Earth.

In Sacred Union with the Holy Kingdom Her Queendom will be re-established.

For it is Time.


The Divine Feminine in all Her brilliance, Her wide range of qualities, Her vast Love and Wisdom, Her creativity, Her joy, Her sensuality, Her sexuality, Her Power has been neglected and dishonoured in all possible ways. Leading nowhere other than an overall imbalance and chaos. In the inner world of people, as well as in the outer world. Just look around to notice what has become of this place...


Many thought (some feared, some hoped) The Goddess had been wiped out.
T h e y
w e r e 
W r o n g.

She has never been gone… The Goddess hasn’t even been dormant. At all.

She has just been patiently waiting.

Her Presence has never left.

It’s humanity that has been off track.


For ages (*).

And now we are returning hOMe to Truth.

In Truth is where She lives. 
In Love is where She resides.

It is Now She is reclaiming Her Queendom.
The Queendom in each Mystical Heart.
In Her own Gracious way:
The Way of Love. 
The Way of Wisdom.

Because She is well aware that through using force one will only receive resistance in return. She has witnessed it all. Feeling it all. 

Not interfering the currents of Life. But, as said, ever Present.

She let them, us, have their game. A game that seemed to be about winners and losers, but could only lead to one outcome in the end; defeat-for-all.


She waited. Because She Knew all along it was Written amongst all Stars that the Heart & Soul Call would eventually become too loud to ignore... when humanity would reach a critical moment in time. That moment when the mind has to admit it cannot figure out sufficient solutions to Truthfully Essence-ial questions anymore.

A pivotal moment in ‘time’. 
When history finally becomes Her-story again as well.
This era has arrived.
Here We Are.
And it is us who answer The Calling.
It is us who are Here to restore Peace on Earth, by returning back to Love.
It is us who remember, deep inside our very bones that it was not “God who has forsaken us”, but it is us – HUmanity – who has forsaken Her and thus (our!) wHolyness.

She has not returned to take over any place. She is Here to serve. 

To help you R E M E M B E R. 

R E M E M B E R the Truth of Who and What you are. 

So you can embody that. Walk this planet as the Sacred Sovereign BE-ing that you innately are.

Together with ALL.

A Holy Co-Creation.

Divine Feminine. Divine Masculine.

Hieros Gamos.

Holy Matrimony.

Sacred Union within.

Do you feel Her Calling?

Is your Heart now dancing of Joy? 

And is your Soul eager to discover?

Then feel most Welcome Beloved One.

For then, it is Time.

with Love & Rose Blessings,

Ariëtte & Rob

click HERE for the NEWSLETTER to be updated of all info regarding journeys

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 OVERVIEW OF IMAGES / MEDIA (all by HeartSoulutions, except 1.):

1.  art painting: 'Black Madonna' by Metu

2. video: invitation to join our Mystical Magdalene Pilgrimage, a Sacred Co-Creation; all visuals by HeartSoulutions (Rob or Ariëtte)

3. in Cave of Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Château

4. in Cave of Perillos 

5. at the Throne of Isis in Rennes les Bains

6. sunset with Fiery Golden Dragon at Rennes-le-Château

7. writing in Green Labyrinth in Nebius

8. in Source de Madeleine 

9. in Carcassonne

10. in Cave of Perillos with Judith K. Moore

11. in Green Labyrinth in Nebius