Love on the Pedestal

when in the dark

heavy chest, mood in fall

when hopelessness rules 

and all seems banal

in nights deserted

unable to crawl

feeling lifeless, soulless

like a puppet, a doll

when light has gone out 

and eyes stopped to call

when desire pops up  

to get rid of it all

there is a portal you know  

regardless how thick Heart’s wall

as mud has stacked up

to a congested big heap

it starts with one step: 

breathe in, take the leap

to dive in oneSelf

it is safe to feel deep

only fictions of mind think 

the slope is too steep

the seeds once sown 

now fullgrown to reap

awaken completely  

tired of staying asleep

as part of the One herd 

though no longer a sheep

the bud, it sprouts

opens petal by petal

flowers bloom fully 

purified from the battle

in Light One is Now 

no longer nocturnal

the power: majestic 

it’s splendor: epical!

thus space opens up: